Ingenieure beraten + planen

LIFE-SAVING TIP: how do I get rid of hiccups?

The ultimate and 100% effective trick against hiccups of all kinds!


There is only one immediately and 100% effective remedy against hiccups.

We want to inform you about it here, because of the smattering also on this occasion people unnecessary lose their quality of life and children unnecessary suffer from hiccups.

May our tip help and spread.

What to do and how to do it?

Please do the same. Even small changes will lead to failure.

  1. A glass of drink beverage (water, coca cola, vodka, etc…) at least 0.25 liters
  2. Stand upright
  3. Raise the left hand as high as possible so that the left side of the body is overstretched.
  4. Stretch much further – it would almost hurt
  5. Drink the glass empty at the same time
  6. Only when the last sip comes out, lower the arm again within 10 seconds
  7. Wait a little bit to see if the hiccups are still there. It means, they would go away at any second. (after they have gone, you can wait as long as you want)
  8. Be happy that you have learned a new trick and the hiccups are gone.

You are welcome ;)